
Showing posts from 2019

Conflicts on the Optimal Umbrella Size - the Issue of RBI Fund transfer

The six-member panel under former RBI Governor Jalan was appointed on December 26, 2018, to review the economic capital framework (ECF) for the RBI after the Finance Ministry asked the Central Bank to transfer more surplus to the government from its excess reserves (Livemint 2019).

BoE: Understanding the central bank's balance sheet

Role of the central bank balance sheet 1. Ultimate means of settlement: One of the interesting features of the central bank's balance sheet is that its main liabilities are banknotes and commercial bank reserves, which are a form of money in the modern economy.

Cut the clutter - The Ascent of Money

- Based on the book by Niall Ferguson According to Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, money was merely an instrument of capitalist exploitation. I, personally, would not disagree with them too much.

Case Study: Money Market Funds and the Commercial Paper Market

-  by  Ben Bernanke in  G eorge Washington University   Money market funds (MMMFs) are investment companies that sell shares and invest the proceeds in short-term assets. MMMFs historically has almost always maintained stable 1 dollar share prices, so they act very much like a bank.

Federal Reserve and Financial Crisis

-  Based on  Lecture (4) by  Ben Bernanke in  G eorge Washington University   This lecture discusses monetary policy responses to the recession, the sluggish recovery, post-crisis changes in financial regulation, and implications of the crisis for central bank practice.

Federal Reserve and Financial Crisis

-  Based on  Lecture (3) by  Ben Bernanke in  G eorge Washington University   This lecture describes the financial crisis, its implications and the policy responses by the federal reserve. 

Federal Reserve and Financial Crisis

-  Based on  Lecture (2) by  Ben Bernanke in  G eorge Washington University   This lecture explains the development of central banking after world war 2, focusing on the origins of the recent financial crisis (2008-09).

Federal Reserve and Financial Crisis

-  Based on  Lecture (1) by  Ben Bernanke in  G eorge Washington University   This lecture explains what central banks do, the origin of central banking in the United States, and the experience of the Fed during the Great Depression.

Quantum Fields - the Lego blocks of the Universe

The founding father, perhaps the grand-father of physics (theoretical physics per se), whose idea changed our world and post which our perception about the world changed forever was proposed by an ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher Democritus in 4 century BC.

It's Rocket Science!

Economics and Rocket Science I am more of a macro-economics guy, so why should I care about rocket science?

The journey of one of the greatest scientific problem - Longitude's

Latitude lines, the parallels, stay parallel to each other, encircling the earth in concentric circles with decreasing radii. The meridians of longitude go the other way.

Chandrayan-2, the countdown to search for water on the moon!

On 14 th  November 2008, the Moon Impact Probe separated from Chandrayaan-1 orbiter and struck the south pole, creating history as India became the fourth country to research and develop its own technology and place its flag on the moon.

Government Debt, deficit and Policy Issues - Macroeconomics

Is government debt a problem? There are two parts to a question of government debt: 

Expectations in Macroeconomics

EXPECTATIONS IN AS -  INFLATION We have already incorporated expectations of the price level into the model.

Long-Run Model in Macroeconomics

As we had seen, in the short and medium run fluctuations (shocks and policy changes) dominate. In the long-run capital accumulation and technological change dominates.

Model for Open Economy in Macroeconomics

The openness of the economy has three distinct dimensions: 1. Openness in the goods market: Free trade restrictions include tariffs and quotas.

Static Model for Macroeconomics in Medium Run

In the short run,  we had assumed that the expectations of prices are fixed in the short run but not in the medium run. In the short run price expectations can be wrong, in the medium run they cannot.

Dynamic Model for Macroeconomics in Medium Run

In the dynamic AD-AS model, we remove the assumption that the inflation rate, the expectation for the inflation rate and output growth are zero in the medium run. Additionally, we had assumed that there is no growth in the medium run.

Intertemporal trade and Current Account balances (Model With Investment)

Historically, one of the main reasons countries have borrowed abroad is to finance productive investments that would have been hard to finance out of domestic savings alone.
Intertemporal trade and Current Account balances (Model Without Investment)

Endgame: Was it really Avenged? A Quantum Mechanical perspective

Endgame: Was it really Avenged? A Quantum Mechanical perspective “All we can do is our best and sometimes the best we can do is to start over” - Peggy Carter

2nd Generation Currency Crisis Model

In this model, the government has its objective to minimize the loss function given by,

1st Generation Currency Crisis Model

A currency crisis is a type of financial crisis. It is a situation when there is serious doubt if the central banks have enough foreign exchange reserves to maintain the peg of the currency.

Mundell's two country model for macroeconomic interdependence

With increased world integration there was a need to study the transmission of policy in one part of the world to other country's.

Dornbush Model of Exchange Rates

Unlike Mundel Flemming model, this model introduces dynamics. Further, it takes the role of expectations into account. Dornbusch's model was highly influential because, at the time of writing, the world had recently shifted to a floating exchange rate regime and a little was understood about exchange rate volatilities.

Mundell Fleming Model of Exchange Rates

The monetary model is better for a long run explanation of exchange rates. It assumes full employment with flexible prices. Furthermore, real income can be exogenously decided which determine the demand for real balances.

Monetary Model of Exchange Rates

For Floating Exchange Rates Assumptions:  1. AS curve is vertical. Therefore, the long run determinants only effect the output. Further, prices are flexible (another long run phenomenon).

Game theory, Strategies and the convoluted triangle - India, Pakistan, Kashmir

Abstract Using the lens of game theory, the paper attempts to describe the ways in which it can enhance undergraduate understanding in international relations.

Artificial Leaf

We all know 2nd law of thermodynamics. It says that the entropy of the universe is continuously increasing.   This means everything in the universe is getting more and more disordered.

Imaging 55 million light-years away

We are fortunate to be witnessing a “eureka” moment of humanity. It opens new doors to our understanding of the universe and subsequently our own self. 100 years ago Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicted the formation of black holes.

Purchasing Power Parity

Law of one price says that if two goods are identical, they must sell at the same price. This happens due to arbitrageurs. If prices differ arbitrage tries to close the gap.

Magnetic Pole's of our Planet on the Run!

Studies have shown that we might have a new entrant to wobble the already shaken climatic system of our planet. We have another loud and clear alarm from nature before we put an axe to our own foot.

Stages of Economic Integration - the European Perspective

European Communities were basically three internal organizations that were governed by the same set of institutions i.e. European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) and the European Economic Community (EEC).

Optimal Monetary Policy - NK model

There are two main distortions in the New Keynesian model: 1. markups due to imperfect competition (leads to low employment in the long run): we assume that it is controlled by the fiscal authority.

All you need to know about BREXIT

Click here to read an easy-to-understand guide to Brexit - beginning with the basics, then a look at the current negotiations, followed by a selection of answers to questions the BBC has been sent.

Economic Inequalities- Catastrophe for the western civilisation?

This story is featured in BBC Future’s “Best of 2017” collection. Click here to read.

Source of money creation: Out of thin air!

The Monetary Institute's "Our Money, Our Banks, Our Country - Money Creation in the Modern Economy" conference was held in Zurich, Switzerland on February 5, 2018.

New Keynesian Model (NK)

NK model takes the RBC model backbone and adds to that the price stickiness. To incorporate price stickiness we assume that firms are price-setters and thus move away from the perfect competition assumption.

Overlapping Generations Model (OLG)

In our models so far we had assumed that agents live infinitely, which everybody knows is unrealistic. So, in this model attempt was made to relax this assumption.

Understanding the basics of Applied Econometrics

Click here to view the concise self-made notes. 

Incorporating Money - Money in Utility (MIU) and Cash in Advance (CIA) models

T he Real Business cycle model, as discussed in another article, does not include monetary components in its analysis.

Keynesian and Monetarists business cycle models and the Investment Savings Liquidity preference Money supply curves

​ According to the Keynes theory, the source of fluctuations in the aggregate demand.

Business Cycles and the RBC model

T his plot of log Real GNP shows the growth of real GNP in time. What we see is that the GNP has grown smoothly and consistently on average (red line) however, with some fluctuations (blue line).

Monetarism and the Quantity Theory of Money

Monetarist school of thought gained a reputation during the 1970's when the US was battling high inflation and slow economic growth period to which the Keynesian's had no answer.

What does Euler Equations in Economics tell us about?

T he control variable is a variable that you control whereas a state variable is a variable that we cannot control but nevertheless it's affected by what we choose as our control variable.

Schools of Economic Thought

1. Mercantilism  The economic system of trade between 16th to 18th century. They believed that the amount of wealth in the world was static and so national strength could be maximized by limiting imports and maximizing exports.

Political will and the Indian NPA

Enough with UPA vs NDA for NPA...excellent discussion by Ravish to expose the political will independent of any party, behind the stressed Indian Banking System.

Currency depreciation: UPA vs NDA

Ironically as the Rupee started to weaken, the politics started to heat up with politicians restarting their age-old blame game.

Demonetisation in India and its Effect on Growth

Abstract: Many questions have been raised regarding the need & efficacy of demonetization. Different sceptics have different speculations related to the impact of the move on the growth of the Indian economy, with general perception supporting the quantity theory of money.

Review Of Worlds Economics Growth

1. Introduction The world has seen unprecedented growth in the past few decades. But has everyone been benefited from this growth, or has it been only for few big economies at the cost of others?