The journey of one of the greatest scientific problem - Longitude's
Latitude lines, the
parallels, stay parallel to each other, encircling the earth in concentric
circles with decreasing radii. The meridians of longitude go the other way. The
loop from the North pole to the South pole and back again in great circles and so
they all converge at the ends of the Earth. These imaginary lines had been
crisscrossing the Earth from ancient times, at least 3 centuries before Christ.
By AD 150, the cartographer and astronomer Ptolemy had plotted them on the
twenty-seven maps of his first world atlas. The equator marked the zero-degree parallel of latitude, as Ptolemy borrowed it from this knowledge from his
predecessors. The sun, moon and stars pass almost directly overhead at the
equator. Likewise the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, the positions which mark
the northern and southern boundaries of sun’s motion around the year. Ptolemy,
however, was free to decide his prime meridian, the zero-degree longitude line.
He chose to run it through the Fortunate Islands (now called the Canary
Islands) off the northwest coast of Africa. Later, mapmakers moved the prime
meridian to the Azores and to the Cape Verde Islands as well as to Rome,
Copenhagen, Jerusalem, St. Petersburg, Pisa, Paris and Philadelphia, before
settling down in London.
The latitude
remains fixed as the world turns and can be found with relative easy. The
sailor can determine the latitude by measuring the length of the day or by the
height of the sun or by guide stars above the horizon. On the other hand,
longitude shifts with time, and this complicated the life of sea explorers many
folds and made it the greatest scientific problem of the time. Due to lack of a
practical method for determining the longitudes during the time, the age of
exploration not only included searching unclaimed territories and newer routes
but also exploring the explorers, who seldom used to get lost in the
vastness of the oceans. The quest for a solution spread across entire Europe
and included most crowned heads like George III and Louis XIV. The problem also
rattled the brains of renowned astronomers like Galilio Galilei, Jean-Dominique
Cassini, Christiaan Huygens, Sir Issac Newton, and Edmond Halley. Observatories
were set up in Paris and London for the same and prizes worth 20,000 pounds was
declared for the solution. In the end, the solution came from an unknown,
self-educated and a simple man and an English clockmaker John Harrison. But as
usual, every hero needs an anti-hero and so Harrison’s life was also adorned
with such men.
Due to the lack of
guidance in the oceans, long-distance voyages usually used to be longer, which
exposed the entire crew to several diseases. Scurvy was one such common curse.
The ocean-diet was devoid of fresh fruits and vegetables which deprived them of
Vitamin C, which led to the deterioration of connective tissues and their
overall health. Their legs would swell, gums would bleed, and wounds refused to
Apart from the
human suffering, kingdoms also faced economically. Since determining location
was nearly an impossible task, trade routes were constricted only to well-known
passages, which were sometimes also used with notoriety. One such example is
from 1592 when a squadron of six English men-of-war attacked and captured Madre
de Deus, Portuguese ship from India carrying gold, silver, pearls,
diamonds, amber, musk, tapestries, calico, ebony and hundred tons of spices.
The total worth of this single ship was around half a million-pound sterling or
approximately half the net value of the entire English Exchequer to that date.
Due to this, sailors and kingdoms wished to find secret routes.
The sea captains in
the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries relied on “dead reckoning”
to gauge their positions. The captains would throw a log overboard and observe
how quickly the ship receded from this temporary guidepost. They noted the
crude speedometer reading in the ship’s logbook, along with the direction of
travel from compass or stars, length of time using sandglass. Factoring the
effects of ocean currents, winds etc they used to determine their longitudinal
Another method was
through the use of celestial bodies and their relative positions. The skylights
up marking day and night, phases of the moon marked passing months, solstice or
an equinox marked season changes.
In the heavens, the
constellations, especially Little Dipper with the North Star in its handle,
showed them the way, but it was subjected to the clarity of the skies. During
the day, the Sun gave a sense of direction and time. The Sun rises from the
east and sets in the west, and when during the noon it reaches the peak and
pauses to stretch, sailors turned their sandglasses. In this way they could
calculate the local time, if only they could know time at some other location
at that instant, they could calculate the longitude. This is because Earth
takes 24 hours to traverse 360 degrees, which translates to 15 degrees
longitudinal distance for 1 hour time difference.
Solar and lunar
eclipses could have been used to determine this time difference. If sailors
know the predicted time of eclipse at a particular place (say in London), they
can witness the eclipse at their position and measure time and thereby
calculate the time difference. However, the eclipses were too sporadic to be
used by sailors, who travelled much frequently.
By 1514, the German
astronomer Johannes Werner suggested using the moon for navigation. The moon
travels nearly a distance equal to its own width every hour. At night, it
travels through the field of stars and in the daytime (the moon is up in the
daytime almost half of the month) it moves away or towards the sun. Thus,
Werner suggested that astronomers should map the positions of the stars along
the moon’s path and predict when the moon would be at which position in the stellar
field from months to months for years. Additionally, they can map the relative
positions of the sun the moon for navigation aid through daylight. Then they
can publish all the moon meanderings, with the time of each star meeting
predicted for one place – Berlin perhaps. Using this information, a sailor can
determine the local time at which he witnesses the phenomenon and compares it
with the reference point’s time. This was called as the lunar distance method.
The main problem was that the positions of the stars were not well known. Also,
no one knew the path of the moon and predict its position.
suggested that good clocks can resolve the longitude problem. Starting in 1530,
Flemish astronomer Gemma Frisius hailed the mechanical clock as the first
contender. However, the clocks in those times were very inaccurate. They were
also delicate, which would go haywire when subjected to moisture’s and
temperature change.
William Cunningham
of England revived this idea again in 1559, recommending the use of watches,
but they could gain or lose 15 minutes a day with ease.
In 1595, John Davis
introduced back staff which immediately substituted cross-staff or Jacobs
staff. The original sighting instrument required them to look directly to the
celestial body to measure its height. Many sailors lost their eyesight to
measure the height of the sun, which was used to calculate time and therefore
aid in navigation back then. Backstaff provided some degree of relief since it
did not require direct eye-contact with the celestial body.
Then there was a
magnetic variation method. This method used the combined power of the North
Star (which points towards actual North) and magnetic compass (which points
towards magnetic north). As a ship travels from east to west along any
latitude, the distance between the magnetic and the true pole changes. A chart
was thus made to translate the distance between magnetic north and true north
into longitudes. Although this method did not require time measurement, at the
same time it had disadvantages. This method depended upon weather’s grace in
order to see the North star. Also, accuracy was still the problem, rarely did
the compass point to north at all times Results were also contaminated due to
magnetic variations at different locations.
In 1610, almost a
hundred years after Werner’s proposal, Galileo Galilei discovered another clock
in the heavens. Galileo discovered mountains on the moon, spots on the sun,
phases of Venus, moons around Saturn (which actually was its ring), and a family
of four moons orbiting Jupiter. Galileo named these as Medicean stars, over
Florentine patron, Cosimo de’ Medici. Over the years he calculated the orbital
period of these moons and counted the number of times the bodies vanished
behind the shadow of the giant. He proposed to create tables of each
satellite’s expected disappearances and reappearances over several months which
occurred over thousand times annually. He sent his proposal to King Philip III
of Spain, who had promised fat pension for the solution. However, his idea was
rejected because they realized it to be difficult to use telescope by sailors,
and on top, when the ship floor is shaking. Further, it would not be possible
to view in daylight due to its low brightness. Also, observations would be
subjected to the weather. Despite the rejection, Galileo made a helmet – celastone –
which could be worn and used to see the Jovian satellites. While testing the
helmet, however, Galileo, himself realized that even the pounding of one’s
heart can cause the whole Jupiter to jump out of telescope’s field of view.
Galileo died in 1642, but his method was finally accepted in 1650 to measure
longitudes on land. In 1637, Galileo came out with the first-ever design for
the pendulum clock. However, he could not start building one. His son,
Vincenzio, constructed a model from Galileo’s drawings, and the city fathers of
Florence later built the same.
Thus, it was then
used to determine the length and breadth of kingdoms, with more accuracy. King
Louis XIV of France, confronted with a revised map of his domain based on
accurate longitude measurements complained that he had lost more territory to
his astronomers than to his enemies. Despite this, he always had a soft spot in
his heart for science. In 1666, he laid the supported building up of Academy of
Royal Sciences. He also approved establishing an astronomical observatory in
Paris to solve the longitudinal problem. The success of Galileo’s methods
inspired other astronomers to refine his measurements in predicting eclipses of
the Jovian satellites. In 1668, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, a professor of
astronomer at the University of Bologna, published the best set yet, based on
his carefully conducted observations. Cassini was invited to take the position
of director of the astronomical observatory. Cassini called on observers from
Paris, Uraniborg, Poland and Germany to cooperate and accurately calculate
longitudes of these places using Galileo’s method. At the same time, Huygens’s
was appointed the charter member of the Royal Academy of Sciences.
Huygens was a
intellectual heir of Galileo. He discovered that what Galileo though as moons
of Saturn was actually a ring, and also discovered Saturn’s largest moon Titan.
Huygens is also believed to be the first horologist and claimed to arrive at
the idea for the pendulum clock independent of Galileo. He developed his first
pendulum clock in 1656 and two years later declared it fit for measuring
longitudes in the sea. By 1660, Huygens completed another two marine timekeepers
and sent them on different voyages for testing. Subsequent voyages revealed the
problem with his clocks, to circumvent which, he developed the spiral balance
spring-based clock and had it patented in France in 1675. However, Robert Hooke
claimed that Huygens had stolen his concept and they remained in conflict over
it for quite some time. The strife quenched when it was realized that none of
the clocks could serve the purpose of longitudinal measurement at sea.
These efforts to
solve the longitude problem led to other discoveries as well. For example, when
Danish astronomer Ole Roemer was visiting the Paris Observatory, the realized
that the eclipses of Jovian satellites vary in duration when the Earth is close
to Jupiter than when it is far. He used this method to find the velocity of
light in 1676 and just slightly underestimated today’s known values.
In England, King
Charles II was worried as well with the longitudinal problem since he had the
largest fleet in the world. The Frenchman, Sieur de St. Pierre, put forward
Werner’s method, of using the path of the moon in the stellar field, to
navigate ships. Intrigued by the idea, he redirected the efforts of his royal
commissioners, which included Robert Hooke (one who coined the term cell,
gave Hooke’s law in physics and many more), Christopher Wern (architect of St.
Paul’s Cathedral). For the appraisal of Pierre’s theory, the commissioners
called an astronomer John Flamsteed. He concluded that there exists no map for
the moon and stellar system. At the same time, he suggested the King to
establish an observatory with staff to carry out work to develop such maps. So,
like the Paris Observatory, Commissioner Wren designed the Royal Observatory in
Greenwich Park, which was completed in 1675. Flamsteed took up the residence in
May and gathered instruments to start working in October. He ends up spending
four decades here.
An interesting
method was proposed by Frenchmen Sir Kenelm Digby in 1687. He claimed to have
developed a magical powder, powder of sympathy, which could be used to heal the
patient from the distance. The idea was to send aboard a wounded dog on the
ship and leave a trusted individual on the shore who would dip the dog’s wound
bandage in the sympathy powder every day at noon. As the person on the shore
dip the bandage at a particular time (say noon), the dog on the ship would bark
and the sailors on the ship would come to know the time at the port, thereby
enabling them to calculate the difference.
In 1699, Samuel
Fyler of Stockton in England came up with another way to draw longitude
meridians on the night sky. He suggested that someone well versed in
astronomy could find twenty-four sets of discrete rows of stars, with each row
arising above the horizon every hour. One can then chart the times at which the
specific row of stars is visible in Canary Islands (the prime meridian then).
The sailor can observe the star set, at mid-night and calculate the
time-difference and thereby the longitude. However, again it was subjected to
weather but also at the time the required astronomical data was absent.
The longitude
problem had taken the lives of some great sea explorers. One such was Admiral
Sir Clowdisley Shovell. He was returning home from Gilbraltar after skirmishes
with the French Mediterranean forces when his fleet was enveloped by fog for
days. Catering to lack of instrumentation to locate themselves, they sailed
with their experiences, which unfortunately proved fatal as Association struck,
followed by his entire fleet, drowning almost two thousands of Sir Clowdisley’s
troops on October 22, 1707.
Without any
solution to the problem, Newton and Halley grew impatient. They had been
waiting for Flamsteed data which he had kept under seal in Greenwich. But
somehow Newton and Halley managed to get the data and they published their own
pirated version of Flamsteed’s star catalogue in 1712.
Two friends,
William Whiston and Humphry Ditton then came out with their own amusing idea.
Ditton reasoned that sounds might be used to serve as a signal. Whiston, in
agreement, recalled that he could hear the sound of cannon nearly ninety miles
away. So, they suggested, that if signal boats are placed at strategic
locations and are made to fire at specific known times, ships can calculate the
difference between the time they hear the fire on board and the specific time
at which it was supposed to fire at the port, thus after factoring the speed of
sound, it would tell them the time difference. However, after they were told
unreliability of sound propagation in the sea, Whiston decided to combine sound
with light. He proposed shooting fireball vertically upwards which would
explode at specific times. Then all the navigator had to do was watch for
signal flare at local midnight, listen to cannon’s roar, and sail on (based on
the concept which we use today to measure the distance of approaching storm by
looking at thunder). After watching the fireworks on the Thanksgiving Day for
the Peace, on July 7, 1713, he was convinced that it would be visible for 100
miles. To shoot fireballs from strategic locations in the ocean, they proposed
dispersing the fleet and anchoring them at 600-mile interval. While commenting
on the anchoring, they also misstated the depth of North Atlantic, by a factor
of approximately 10. Thus, they published their work in The Guardian. Critics
quickly pointed out the obvious problems but on December 10, 1713,
Whiston-Ditton proposal was published a second time, in The Englishman. Through
their determination, public recognition, they united the shipping interests in
London. In the spring of 1714, they got a petition signed by “Captains of Her
Majesty’s Ships, Merchants of London, and Commanders of Merchant-men”. Thus,
they pressurized the government to resolve the longitude problem by offering
rich incentives. The merchants and seamen called for a committee to consider
the current state of affairs and requested a fund for research and development
of promising ideas.
The petition
reached Westminster Palace on May 1714. In June, a parliamentary committee was set
up to deal with the problem. The committee members sought expert advice from
Sir Isaac Newton (by then 72 years old) and his friend Edmond Halley. Newton,
in his report, reiterated the possible methods. He mentioned watches, Jupiter’s
satellites, other astronomical methods which involved stars hiding behind our
own moon, eclipses and the lunar distance method. He then mentioned that a
handsome reward should be given to any individual who finds a practical
solution. The Longitude Act was thus issued in the reign of Queen Anne on July
8, 1714. Since one degree of longitude measures about sixty nautical miles at
the equator, even a fraction of error could correspond to large errors in
distances and therefore the act had three prize segments: First prize of 20,000
pounds for the method which could determine longitude to an accuracy of half a
degree of a great circle. Second prize of 15,000 pounds for the method which
could determine longitude to an accuracy of two-thirds of a degree. Third prize
of 10,000 pounds for the method which could determine longitude to an accuracy
of one degree.. The Act also established panel of judges known as Board of
Longitude. The board consisted of if scientists, naval officers and government
officers. The astronomer royal served as an ex officio member, as did the
president of the Royal Society, the first lord of the Admiralty, the speaker of
the House of Commons, the first commissioner of Navy, and the Savilian,
Lucasian, and Plumian professors of Maths at Oxford and Cambridge universities.
(Newton had held Lucasian professorship for thirty years). This board was
perhaps the world’s first official research-and-development agency. (even they
acted like our present-day board, in the sense that by the time they were
disbanded in 1828 they had disbursed funds in excess of 100,000 pounds). In
order for commissioners of longitude to judge the accuracy of the methods, it
had to be tested on Her Majesty’s ships as it sailed from Great Britain to any
port in West Indies.
After the prize was
declared, they received several solutions which included improving ships
rudders, methods for purifying drinking water at sea, blueprints for perpetual
motion machine and making sense of the value of pi. A good one amongst these
came from Thacker of Beverly, England. Thacker developed a new clock enclosed
in a vacuum chamber and he believed it to be the solution. He declared “In a
word, I am satisfied that my Reader begins to think that the Phonometers,
Pyrometers, Selenometers, Heliometers and all the Meters are not worthy to be
compared with my Chronometer.” It was the first time chronometer word
was introduced, and it is still synonymously used for timekeepers. The problem
with Thacker’s clock was that it could not adjust to changes in temperature. To
rectify this, he attached a thermometer with the clock. A mariner using the
chronometer will have to make necessary calculations to adjust for the time
shown with the temperature readings. However, this complicated the method which
led to its rejection.
Very little is
known about the early life of John Harrison. He was born on March
24, 1693, in the county of Yorkshire, the eldest of five children. Not much is
known about his family and their initials. Their home seems to have been on the
estate, called Nostell Priory, where a rich landowner employed elder Harrison
as a carpenter and custodian. Around his fourth birthday, for some reason, his
family moved to Lincolnshire village of Barrow. Here, John Harrison learned
woodworking from his father. As a teenager, he craved for book learning. In
1712, a clergyman lent him a textbook – a manuscript copy of a lecture series
on natural philosophy delivered by mathematician Nicholas Saunderson at
Cambridge University. This along with Newton’s Principia strengthened
his knowledge about the working of the natural world. Harrison completed his
first pendulum clock in 1713 before he was twelve. Why he chose this project
and how he completed it remains unknown. The clock is on display in the museum
at Guildhall in London. Harrison made two more, almost identical clocks in 1715
and 1717. Sometime around 1720, he was hired by Sir Charles Pelham to build him
a tower clock above his new stable at the manor house in Brocklesby Park. By
then he had gained a local reputation. Harrison completed the project in 1722,
which tells time still in Brocklesby Park. The mastery of the clock was the
fact that it did not require any lubrication (unlikely in those days). This is
because he used the wood from a tree which exudes its own grease. He was aware
of the problem of dampness, and so wherever he had to install metal parts, he
installed brass. When it came to fabricating toothed gears from oak, he
invented a new kind of the wheel. He used a combination of wood in order to
strengthen the structure, while also keep it lightweight. From 1725 to 1727, he
(and now included his junior brother) built two more grandfather clocks. Two
fancy inventions called the “gridiron” and the “grasshopper” ensured the
accuracy of clocks. The gridiron was the special pendulum which consisted of
metal strips. By combining metal strips of two different metals – brass and
steel in one pendulum, Harrison eliminated the problem of thermal expansion or
contraction of the pendulum that used to make them sensitive to temperatures.
The two metal strips used to counteract, keeping the pendulum length constant.
The grasshopper escapement was the part that controlled the heartbeats of the
clock. His designed clocks never erred more than a single second in the whole
month at the time when clocks used to deviate by one minute every day. By 1727,
Harrison started thinking to solve the marine timekeeping problem to bag the
prize. Later, in 1728, William, his first
kid (of two) from the second wife (his first wife died of illness) was born.
Harrison had
resolved most of the problems, temperature, lubrication, precision, corrosion
etc. The one thing that remained was to replace the pendulum since it could not
have survived in the rolling oceans. He spent almost 4 years to come up with a
new design.
Harrison went to
London in the summers of 1730 to show his designs for the maritime clock, but
the Board of Longitude was nowhere found. Although the Board had existed for
more than 15 years, it had no official headquarters, and in fact, had never
met. Harrison, however, had heard of Halley who was the member of the
committee, and so went straight to Greenwich to meet him. Halley had become
England’s second astronomer royal in 1720, after Flamsteed’s death. Halley
received Harrison politely and listened to his concept and suggested him to
visit the well-known clockmaker George Graham. Halley knew that the Board,
consisting of mostly astronomers, would not welcome a mechanical answer.
Harrison met Graham, discussed his concept and by the evening the premier
scientific instrument maker and a fellow of Royal Society, Graham, was
impressed by him. Harrison then spent the next five years to make the first sea
clock, also known as H-1 (Harrison’s No. 1).
Harrison produced
his sea clocks precisely the same period when scientists finally understood the
theories, instruments and information needed to make use of the clock of
heaven. The clock of heaven, the lunar distance method, based on measuring the
motions of the moon and Harrison’s timekeepers had the cut-throat competition.
The two methods run parallel, perfecting with time from the 1730s to 1760s,
trying to beat the other. On one hand, was Harrison, ever loner working with
his machinery, and on the other side were the professors of astronomy and
In 1731, two
inventors John Hadley and Thomas Godfrey independently created instruments upon
which the lunar method depended (later it was discovered that Newton and Halley
had drawn plans for similar instruments). This instrument allowed mariners to
measure the relative potions of objects along with their elevation. With detailed star charts and a
trusty instrument, a good navigator could now stand on the deck of his ship and
measure the lunar distances. Next, he consulted a table that listed the angular
distances between the moon and numerous celestial objects for various hours of
the day, as they would be observed from London or Paris. He then compared the
time when he saw the moon thirty degrees away from the star Regulus, say, in
the heart of Leo the Lion, with the time that particular position had been
predicted for the home port. If, for example, this navigator's observation
occurred at one o'clock in the morning, local time, when the tables called for
the same configuration over London at A A.M., then the ship's time was three
hours earlier —and the ship itself, therefore, at longitude forty-five degrees
west of London. Hadley’s quadrant capitalized on the work of astronomers.
Flamsteed alone conducted 30,000 observations. Halley, however, went to St.
Helena in 1676 but could count only 341 new stars. Halley, during his tenure
from 1720 to 1742 studiously tracked the moo day and night.
In 1735, Harrison
carried H1 to London and delivered it to George Graham. Graham displayed
Harrison’s great work to Royal Society, who welcomed the hero. H-1 weighted
around 34 kilograms and measured around 4 feet in every dimension. Harrison.
Despite all the appreciation, the Admiralty dragged the trial for a year. Then,
instead of sending it to West Indies, as mentioned in the Longitude Act,
Admiralty Sir Charles Wager ordered Harrison to board HMS Centurion captained
by Proctor bound for Lisbon. Captain Proctor died as soon as they reached
Lisbon. Captain Wills of HMS Orford received orders to bring
Harrison back after 4 days. Upon reaching back, Wills gave the certificate to
Harrison as an official pat on the back. The Board of Longitude convened for
the first time – 23 years after it was created – citing this marvellous machine
as the occasion. The Board sat, and everyone was impressed, except one,
Harrison himself. The perfectionist still wanted to correct a few defects and
believed that he could make the clock a lot smaller. He requested the Board to
give him some time and funds to make the better machine. The Board agreed with
the provision that after the return from the trial of the second machine,
Harrison would have to surrender it and the first sea clock. He could have
argued about this but chose not to.
In September
1740, Centurion set sail for the South Pacific under the
command of Commodore George Anson, another great explorer and his tools -
latitude readings, dead reckonings and good seamanship. By March 1741, the crew
was stinking of scurvy and Anson decided to ship towards Juan Fernandez Island,
which could soothe his crew. It was only after an additional two weeks of
zigzag searching and losing extra eighty lives that he found land.
In January 1741,
Harrison presented the board with H-2, but it wasn’t really an update. Harrison
himself was disgusted with it. Resultingly it never went to the sea. The Board,
however, rigorously tested H-2 in 1741-42 and it passed with flying colours,
but Harrison was deaf to all the praise. He went back to work on H-3.
In January 1742,
Halley’s astronomer royal chair passed to James Bradley. Bradley had determined
a more accurate measurement of light speed than Roemer. He also determined the
large diameter of Jupiter,, and detected tiny deviations in the tilt of Earth’s
axis. From Paris Observatory meanwhile, Nicholas Louis de Lacaille headed for
the Cape of Good Hope in 1750, to continue mapping the stars where Halley had
left off. In this way, astronomers had established two of the three pillars:
the positions of the stars and studied the motions of the moon; Instrument for
measuring the distances and elevations of the celestial bodies. All that
remained was the creation of detailed lunar tables that could translate the
instrument readings into the longitude positions. Bradley received great interest
in the lunar tables compiled by a German mapmaker, Tobias Mayer, who claimed to
have provided the link. He had sent his idea to Lord Anson, who then passed it
to Bradley. Mayer had created the first set of lunar tables for the moon’s
location at twelve-hour intervals. He took a lot of help from Swiss
mathematician Leonhard Euler, who designed elegant equations for studying the
motions of the celestial bodies. Bradley tested Mayer’s predictions through his
observations at Greenwich and was quite impressed. During this time, Nevil
Maskelyne, while still a student, connected with James Bradley (third
astronomer royal). Maskelyne was born in 1732 and was 45 years younger than
Harrison. Unlike Harrison who was self-educated, Maskelyne went to the
Universities of Westminster and Cambridge. Coming back, by late 1757 the method
looked practicable. He then had it test at the sea by Captain John Campbell
aboard the Essex. The testing continued despite the ongoing
seven-year war. During the testing they realized the shortcomings of the
method, like, the navigator was required to factor in the nearness of the
object to the horizon, also they had to battle the problem of lunar parallax.
In comparison to
all this, Harrison had proposed a simple solution inside a small box. Rather
than accolades, he was subjected to rigorous trials when he presented H-3 in
1759. It took him 19 years to build. Between the completion and trial of H-3,
Harrison presented H-4 to the board. Harrison worked diligently all this time,
almost to the detriment of his health and family. Although he took some mundane
job to keep his ends meet, his main income was from the board. The Royal
Society’s member and his friend George Graham and other members insisted
Harrison accept the Copley Gold Medal on November 30, 1749 (later
recipients of Copley Gold Medal include Benjamin Franklin, Henry Cavendish,
Captain James Cook, Ernest Rutherford and Albert Einstein). But Harrison
declined. He asked the membership to be given to his son, however, the
membership is not transferrable. Anyways, William was duly elected to
membership in his own right in 1765. The sole surviving son of John Harrison
took up his father’s cause. He learnt the delicate works of the clock during
H-3. Harrison originally came up with the idea of the bi-metallic strip, which
is even found in today’s thermostats. After all this, Harrison still wasn’t
satisfied with this performance. He still wanted to make it more compact. Thus,
was H-4, unlike H-2 and H-3, a big leap forward. It was roughly five inches in
diameter and weight only 3 pounds. However, he was unable to miniaturize the
anti-friction wheel and so was forced to lubricate the watch. Harrison
retracted H-3 and decided to board H-4 only for the trial. Thus, in November
1761, William boarded HMS Deptford captained by Digges with
H4. The Atlantic crossing took three months and they arrived in Jamaica on
January 19, 1762. Board’s representative John Robinson set up his astronomical
instruments to synchronize time and check. They came back on board Merlin and
reached in March 1762. It was found that the total, inbound and outbound
combined error was just under two minutes. He had won but then tides turn.
First, there comes evaluation of the trial by the board, in which three
mathematicians were called to check and recheck the data on time determination
at Portsmouth and Jamaica. The commissioners also complained that William had
failed to follow certain rules, something William hadn’t realized he was
required to do since it had not been mentioned to him. Therefore,
the final report in August 1762, denied the prize to Harrison. Instead of
20,000 pounds, he received just 1,500 pounds as recognition. Meanwhile,
Maskelyne arrived in London on May 1762 after his expedition to St. Helena for
data collection. Mayer died on February 1762, followed by Bradley in July.
Nathaniel Bliss became the astronomer royal after Bradley. William corresponded
with the board members and the new astronomy royal to vindicate the watch. But
like Bradley, Bliss was also all for lunars and everything went against
Harrisons. However, no one till this moment had any clue about the way the
watch was made, and therefore, by early 1763 they started hounding Harrison to
explain it to them. The French government dispatched a small contingent of
horologists, Ferdinand Berthoud among them to London in hope that Harrison
would reveal the watch’s workings. Harrison shooed the French and requested
Englishmen to exercise privacy of his designs. Finally, in March 1764, the
board decided to test H-4 onboard HMS Tartar to Barbados. Upon
reaching, they found Maskelyne ready to test the performance of the watch.
After the fractious second trial of the watch in summer of 1762, The board
allowed months to pass without saying anything. Finally, they accepted H-4 but
with conditions applied. The condition was that Harrison would have to
supervise the production of two duplicates as proof that its design and
performance could be duplicated.
In January 1765,
Nathaniel Bliss passed away and his seat went to Maskelyne. As soon as he
became the fifth astronomy royal, he brought four captains from East India
Company and Maskelyne presented them as proof of the lunar method. He said that
the captains could compute the longitude using The British Mariner’s
Guide within four hours and so the tables should be widely published
and distributed. In 1765, a new longitude act was passed from Parliament, This
one officially called as the Act 5 George III cap.20 – put
conditions on the original act of 1714, and applied specifically for Harrison.
Harrison finally decided to bare all his descriptions and workings before a
committee. Later on August 14, 1765, John Michell, William Ludlam, watchmakers,
Thomas Mudge, William Mathews and Larcum Kendall (apprentice to John Jefferys.
Harrison had a contract with various artisans in London, one of which was John
Jefferys. In 1753, Jefferys made Harrison a pocket watch for his personal use
based on Harrison’s designs. Some horologists consider Jefferys watch as the
first true precision watch), scientific instrument maker John Brid, and
Maskelyne arrived. Harrison dismantled watch piece by piece and explained each
part to the committee. The board insisted that Harrison now reassemble the
watch and surrender it to be kept at Admiralty, while also start working on
building two replicas. They even took the original drawings and diagrams, which
Maskelyne had delivered to the print shop to be published publicly. Meanwhile,
Maskelyne produced the first volume of the Nautical Almanac and
Astronomical Ephemeris in 1766 and went on supervising it until his
dying day. He incorporated methods to reduce the number of arithmetic
calculations from four hours to about thirty minutes. In order to put an end to
doubt’s about H-4’s accuracy, the board decided to put H-4 in Royal Observatory
under Maskelyne’s supervision. Within days of this, Maskelyne reached Harrisons
and asked him to deliver the three timekeepers, as they had become public
property. While taking away, one of Maskelyne’s workers while carrying H-1
outside, dropped it. By accident, of course. H-4 travelled by boat, accompanied
by Kendall, while others went on an unsprung cart.
Harrison wanted
captain James cook to take the original H-4 into the water for trial, but the
Board said that H-4 will have to stay within the UK. H-4 which had sailed
through the two sea trials applauded from three captains and even was nodded
once by the entire board, apparently, had failed to work its ten-month trial at
the Royal Observatory between May 1766 and March 1767, which had gained as many
as twenty seconds a day. Maskelyne gathered statistics while pretending that
the timekeeper was making six voyages to the West Indies each of six weeks
duration, as per the Longitude Act of 1714. So the performance on the “voyage”
was measured while H-4 stayed in the observatory. Thus, Maskelyne concluded
that the watch cannot be trusted. However, to add words of praise he mentioned
that it can be used for thirteen days when the moon only lights up the night
sky but no measurements could be made in the day. In his opinion, the
timekeeper might enhance the lunar distance method but never supplant it.
Harrison issued a hailstorm of objections in a sixpenny booklet published at
his own expense but Maskelyne did not answer to any. After being criticized by
Maskelyne, Harrison expected a reunion with H-4, but the board declined.
Instead, the board gave him, a couple of copies of the book containing his own
drawings and description which Maskelyne had recently published, titled The
Principles of Mr. Harrison’s Timekeeper with Plates of the same. The
intent of the book was to enable anyone to reproduce the timekeeper. The board
also hired watchmaker Larcum Kendall to attempt making an exact copy of H-4.
Kendall finished his work, presenting K-1 in January 1770. Captain Cook,
therefore, carried K-1 (since the board had grounded H-4) along with
chronometers of John Arnold. Meanwhile, Harrison finished building the first of
the two watches, H-5, the board had asked him to make. It took him five years
to build and test. By this time he was seventy-nine and wasn’t sure if he could
continue building the second watch. Concerned Harrison, thus reached out to the
Majesty King George III. In January 1772, William wrote a letter to the king
explaining the entire fiasco. He asked the king if he could lodge H-5 in his
own observatory at Richmond. The king met William and agreed to keep H-5 with
his private science tutor and Observatory director S.C.T Demainbray. The clock
performed badly at first, but then the King realized that he had stored some
lodestones near the watch station. After removing the stones, the H-5 worked
precisely. After ten-week observation from May to July 1772, he was convinced
about H-5’s precision. Thus, the king circumvented the board and reached the
Prime Minister and the Parliament directly to give justice to Harrison. By the
end of June 1773, Harrison received nearly half the prize amount
decided by the Longitude Act. Cook and HMS Resolution returned
from his voyage in July 1775 and approved K-1. He reported, “Mr Kendall’s watch
(which cost 450 pounds) exceeded the expectations of its most zealous advocate
and by being now and then corrected by lunar observations has been our faithful
guide through all vicissitudes of climates”.
Harrison died on
March 24, 1776 and he held martyr status amongst the clockmakers. Some modern
horologists even say that it was due to Harrison's work that the English could
master the sea and create such a large empire. Maskelyne, from 1765 to 1811
published forty-nine issues of National Almanac. He figured all the lunar-solar
and lunar-stellar distances from the Greenwich meridian. And so, starting with
the very first volume in 1767, sailors all over the world who relied on
Maskelyne’s tables began to calculate their longitude from Greenwich. In 1884,
at the International Meridian Conference held in Washington, Greenwich meridian
was declared the prime meridian of the world. However, the French continued to
recognize Paris as their meridian, until 1911.
“With his marine
clocks, John Harrison tested the waters of space-time. He succeeded, against
all odds, in using the fourth dimension to link points on the three-dimensional
- Thanks to Dava Sobel and William J.
H. Andrewes for writing The Illustrated Longitude, Walker
& Company, New York
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