Artificial Leaf
all know 2nd law of thermodynamics. It says that the entropy of the universe is
continuously increasing. This means
everything in the universe is getting more and more disordered. Everything, even
our brain!! Yeah, and effect of this law
on the human brain can be seen. Every day it's getting more and more disordered, more
and more lunatic, because otherwise why one would do the work which is self-destructing for him. How does the brain, which made epics in
olden days with Curie, with Macmillan, with Newton, with Mullikan, today is unable to differentiate
between what's good for him and what's not. Why his prodigy doesn't understand
that reckless use of energy is like poisoning himself. Why can't he understand
that leaves/trees are the major source of energy for our every living thing.
It's one thing that has made this earth sustainable. We brutally trample the
falling autumn leaves, whereas even dying those leaves try to give respite to a sufferer
whose watching. That's why I say that every leaf on this planet is our hocrux,
our energy and energy is everything,
but today this simple thing is a bouncer for our intellect.
but fortunately, after reading this article you will understand that few brains are still left which have not lost
their wisdom, which has not been disordered. These are the brains have understood the consequences of an act which
are being done by us and this has made them afraid of their own shadow. But
these are the brave ones, the crazy ones who are not willing to lose. We all
know that fortune favour's brave but what we don't know is how brave one
needs to be. They knew that, and so what they have come out with has "put
a dent in the universe".
am talking about brain of MIT Prof. Daniel Nocera, Department of Chemistry, who
has produced an "artificial leaf". An artificial source of life and the Holy
Grail of energy research. Creation
of this stupendous device was published in the journal Science, Sept. 30.
His the idea is based on photosynthesis in which a simple average leaf in the presence of
light splits water into oxygen, which we breathe and hydrogen which combines
with carbon dioxide to give food.
the same way this artificial leaf, uses solar energy(light) to split water into
hydrogen and oxygen. It consists of silicon strip coated with Cobalt phosphate
catalyst that aids in creating oxygen and on other side is a coating of
Nickel-Zinc alloy that helps in hydrogen formation. Therefore it's made up of
inexpensive, abundant elements i.e. silicon, nickel, cobalt and takes input as
free sunlight and ordinary water, which may not be clean. Apart from all this, it's also quite
efficient. He says, "The best stuff that grows in the field, a plant, it
only fixes 1% of the light. We're already on 7%".
comes the best part. What we can do with these gases(H2 and O2) are wonders. We
can simply place this leaf in a container with a membrane to separate the two
sides and get the two gases separated in different compartments which later can
be harnessed to deliver power. It's calculated that a single leaf in one
quart(about 946 ml) water can provide 100 watts energy 24 hours a day.
after all this, there's still a hurdle to cross. At present we do not have a
cheap and reliable technology to use hydrogen gas as a fuel. We can't harness energy from hydrogen gas. What we next
need is an excellent way to get energy out of it. There's also another problem,
some people think that stored hydrogen is dangerous, to which Nocera answers,
"this is based on water, so if there is a catastrophe what we would need
is a mop."
now he will have to work to convince people to find ways to harness energy out
of hydrogen or combine CO2 and H2 to produce some form of fuel we are familiar
with i.e. petrol etc. He is also trying to optimize the system and increase its
efficiency. Along with that, he is focused on bringing the cost down.
is the future of energy. The day now is not far when his dream of seeing every
individual home as a powerhouse producing its own power will come true. During the time when crude oil prices rise again and easily
accessible reserves continue to dwindle, this technology can prove to be the
source for salvation.
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