
Showing posts from 2020

Portfolio and Risk Management

Academicians from the University of Geneva and professionals from UBS aids us to gain an understanding of the theory underlying optimal portfolio construction, the different ways portfolios are actually built in practice and how to measure and manage the risk of portfolios.

Financial derivatives: Forwards and Futures

A derivative instrument is a contract which specifies the conditions under which a transaction will take place in the future. The price of the derivative depends on the price of another asset called as the underlying asset.

Financial derivatives: Options

These financial instruments are not just interesting for traders and to deepen pockets but even from economics and research point of view, these instruments are fascinating.

Understanding Financials of a firm

 As we know, the share price of a firm, at least theoretically, are the discounted values of expected future cash flows. This method to value stock price, as discussed in the article, understanding financial markets, is called the discounted cash flow method.

Meeting Investors Goals

Academicians from the University of Geneva and professionals from UBS dive into the concepts of rationality and irrationality and understand how they impact our investment decisions and what the consequences can be at the market level.

Understanding Financial Markets

Academicians from the University of Geneva and professionals from UBS tells what the main financial markets and their characteristics are and how they are linked to the economy. We start by seeing how the price of stocks and bonds are computed and why they move.

Behavioral Finance

Behavioural finance is the study of the effects of psychological effects on decision making on financial investors, thereby effecting market outcomes. So, basically, it studies the psychology of financial decision making

Corruption, economic growth and relative size of such leakages under UPA

Two theories are prevalent regarding the relationship between corruption and economic growth

Global Financial Crisis

 Click here to access the file containing my learnings of GFC based on Yale's course.

Religion, Philosophy and Economics: a thought

Recently, while reading about the history of religions, I read that several founders of world religions, like, Christ, Zoroaster, Confucius, Buddha were born and lived in 1st millennium BC.

Alternatives to Dark Matter hypothesis

Our Milky Way is a spiralling Galaxy containing 100-400 billion stars, with a stellar disk diameter of approximately 150,000-200,000 light-years and depth of 2000 light-years.

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Evolution of the Universe

Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations

Soon after the big bang, followed by inflationary epoch, the universe was in a hot plasmonic state containing a mixture of radiation and baryons. The universe being in this fluid state made it possible for the pressure waves to travel. So, the universe had baryons and environment to support acoustic oscillations.


Occasional paintings - done by water colours

Dark Matter

What is Dark matter and Why need it?

Policy Space and Modern Trade Agreements

In the paper, the author's then went ahead to examine the extent to which various regimes constraint policy space for member nations. They studied four US agreements 

Major Revolutions

Revolution is a drastic change of some sort within a short span of time. In Latin, it means ‘ a turn-around’.

Modern Trade Agreements: its implications for long-run development policy

Development is a long-run process of transforming the economy from concentrated primary product-based economy to diversified set of assets based on knowledge.

Specific Factors Model

Click here to read my notes

Heckscher Ohlin Model

Click here to read my notes

Trade Policy

Click here to read my notes

Ricardian Trade Model

  Click here to read my notes

History of Economics

Read concise points from each chapter of the history of economics - click here

COVID testing effects positivity rates

In the circle of family and friends, there has been a lot of discussion about India's poor COVID management. Although I do not disagree with them, the situation could have been managed in a better fashion given the late onset of COVID relative to the rest of the world.

Analyzing COVID pharmacology

The novel corona-virus continues to puzzle researchers around the world, thereby raising risks to magnanimous scales. However, the good news is that the human efforts are matching its levels as well. One such research was performed by Dr. Daniel Jacobson’s group who utilized worlds second fastest supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennesse and studied around 2.5 billion genetic combinations.

Dynamics of External Adjustment

Dollar currency paradigm means that dollar matters a lot in global trade. So suppose, India and Brazil are involved in a bilateral trade whereby India buys oil from Brazil while Brazil buys pharmaceutical drugs from India.

Evolution of Top and Bottom CO2 emitters 1961-2010

Generally, some of the developed countries (mainly the US) claim that it is the developing world responsible for the current state of emissions and they should be the one held responsible and not the developed countries.

Inflation Expectations went right!

Interestingly in my MSc. essay, I had observed that the direct impact of oil prices are negative on CPI but positive on WPI.

Modelling COVID Cases and Fatalities using Engineering Concepts

I have been asked several times if my chemical engineering study was useful at all in economies. As I always used to answer, the concepts are omnipresent.

Impact of COVID in developing Asian economies

- Summarised from Asian Development Bank's authors A. Abiad, M. Arao, E. Lavina, R. Platitas, J. Pagaduan, C. Jabagat's chapter in  COVID in developing economies

Impact of COVID in Middle-East and North Africa

- Summarised from World Bank's authors Rabah Arezki, Rachel Yuting Fan and Ha Nguyen's chapter in  COVID in developing economies

Impact of COVID in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Summarised from World Bank's authors Calvin Z. Djiofack, Hasan Dudu and Albert G. Zeufack's chapter in COVID in developing economies

Where is the Economic Risk of COVID shock highest: developing countries

- Summarised from Ilan Noy,  Nguyen Doan, Benno Ferrarini and Donghyun Park's article in COVID-19 in developing countries

How dynamic are fuel prices?

Petrol prices were market-linked in 2010 and diesel later in 2014 for retail consumers. Although I do encourage and support this move as they would improve fiscal balance, make energy usage more sufficient and would be better for the environment as well.

COVID in Emerging Economies

- Summarised from Constantino Hevia and Andy Neumeyer's chapter from   COVID-19 in Developing Economies The authors plotted Google mobility trends for places of work and for retail and recreation like restaurants, cafes etc which showed declines,

Macroeconomics of Flu

The macroeconomic flu is a temporary negative supply and demand shock, that is a temporary decline in output followed by a quick recovery.

Is Trade War with China a good idea for India?

WITS data shows that the export share to China from India in 2018 stood at 5%. Imports, on the other hand, stood at 14.7% making China the largest import partner of India and that too by a big margin as the US occupying the second spot has an import share of 6.3%.

Policy Responses of Countries to COVID-19

Click here to read the compilation by the IMF containing summarized timeline and policy responses - Fiscal, Monetary etc

Rebuilding Investor Confidence in Times of Uncertainty

FDI would play an important role in the post-COVID revival of the developing world. World Bank's Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2019-20 discusses the FDI scenario before COVID and during the COVID times.

Top CO2 emitters and their growth

Amongst top CO2 emitters (1960-2010) by absolute emissions stand these economies:

Repatriation flight - London to Delhi - Vande Bharat Mission

With international borders closed and Vande Bharat flights being the only respite, I am writing my experience of Vande Bharat flight flew on from London Heathrow to Delhi which I flew in mid-June 2020.

Business Cycle Models with Financial Market frictions


Introduction to Business Cycles


Business Cycle Models with Labor market friction


New-Keynesian Models


Fiscal Policy and Financial Crisis Implication


Monetary Policy and Financial Crisis Implication


Dynamic Macroeconomic Models - RBC


Diamond, Mortensen, Pissarides Search Model

Click here to access notes.

Health, Height and Development

My review of the paper by Angus Deaton 

Vector Auto-regression


Non-stationarity and Unit roots - Time Series Metrics


Is Government Debt Burden for Future Generations

Suppose there's a closed economy. Now imagine a household (economy) with two people A and B in which B always borrows money from A.

NASA Probe-Passes

Parker Probe

College Magazine Articles

Journalist - Chemical Department's Magazine  - Volume-1 , Volume-2 

Some Simulation Works

Some broad simulation examples about topics that I have worked on...

Rheology of Non-Newtonian Fluid flow through a pipe

Outline Shear-thinning, Shear thickening and Bingham fluids

Stationarity, Spectral Analysis, Asymptotics Time-Series Metrics


Hacking using Heat

Security prodigies of Ben Gurion University are working to develop a technique with which they would be able to harvest data even from an air-gapped system. Air-gapped system (scratching head), What's that?   let's have a look.

Where do we find Entanglement in Nature

(I) Still existing as one of the biggest mysteries is that of quantum entanglement . Even the greatest minds of the century, like Albert Einstein also had to struggle to understand such a phenomenon and was compelled to say it as “spooky phenomenon at some distance”.

Economics of Alternative Fuel - Biofuel

At the alarming rate with which our non-renewable resources are depleting, leaving behind the poisonous smoke, the need of the hour is to find sustainable sources of energy.

Perceptions and Illusions

Philosophical article on perceptions and illusions. Click here to read

My Codes - Python, C, Stata

My python codes: 1. Cipher's:

South Asian Financial Crisis - South Korea

Southeast Asian experience of the 1970s and 1980s consisted of high growth based on export  competitiveness, low debt combined with low and stable inflation. Most of the East Asian  countries were running budget surpluses.

Forecasting Dividend Yield using Stock Indices

The work examines whether it is possible to accurately forecast dividend yield using aggregate stock returns in S&P500,

Consultants to a Campaign Group - Applied Metrics

Problem Statement: A local council is planning to build a rubbish incinerator on a piece of the English countryside that is much loved and used by local residents.

Intro to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for metricians

There's no clear demarcation between ML, AI, statistics and econometrics. But there are some techniques under ML/AI that are not present in econometrics and could be quite beneficial to adopt.

Differences in Differences

Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager , LSE  and based on studies from listed references:

Instrumental Variables with applications to LATE and Dynamic Panel Models

Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager, LSE and based on studies from listed references:


Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager , LSE  and based on studies from listed references:

Panel Standard Errors and Clustering

Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager , LSE  and based on studies from listed references:

Linear Regression with Panel Data: Fixed effects, First Differences

Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager , LSE  and based on studies from listed references: 1. Stock and Watson, Introduction to Econometrics 2. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross-section and Panel Data 3. Raghvir Sabharwal LSE page - link here

Nash eqm vs Subgame perfect eqm

This post is especially for the new-comers to the game theory. When I had started studying these topics, I remember being struggling to properly understand the differences and get an intuition of what's happening and I had seen my friends struggle as well.

Life and Lagrangian - Decision making and Economics

In this post, I review an interesting interview about the decision-making process by an ex-spy and the National Security Advisor of India and connect it with a simplistic optimization procedure used in fundamentally and frequently in  economics .

Particle Scale Liquid Spreading in Trickle Bed Reactors

I performed simulations in HPC-computing facility of IITD, the 4th fastest supercomputer in India.  With emission norms getting more and more stringent, it has become important to improve the performance of trickle bed reactors to produce better fuel quality with sulphur content less than 10 ppm (e.g. ultra-low sulphur diesel).

Impact of Aadhar on Welfare in Welfare Programmes

Aadhaar, India's ambitious biometric ID project, was portrayed as one that would enhance India's welfare efforts by promoting inclusion and reducing corruption. From being a voluntary ID, it has become de facto compulsory for most welfare programmes such as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) and the Public Distribution System (PDS).

Modern Business Cycle Model with Search Friction

The big picture in this model is that markets do not clear instantaneously to make everyone happy. There are frictions in the labour market. This Diamond, Pissarides model has real unemployment. In RBC models we witness that unemployment is voluntary in nature.

Micro-Economics Models of Imperfect and Incomplete Information

Outline: Monopoly Review Price Discrimination

Data Sources

Berkeley Earth

Monetization of Govt Debt

There is a lot of concern in some quarters about central banks printing money to finance large budget deficits. And in other quarters there is concern that central banks are doing too little of it. Some worry that central banks are lending directly to the government. Others are assuaged when central banks buy government debt in the secondary market but not directly. Who is right? My summary of the article by Dr. Rajan (find the link of the original article at the end) where I have used balance sheets to visualize the flow. Meanwhile, I also found a few points which I found weren't mentioned in the article. Feel free to comment on what you think about it. Click here  to read the original article. 

Impact of Openness on CO2 emissions in China

The study explores the effect of trade and FDI contributed to CO2 emissions in China from 1981-2014. It finds that trade, mainly exports, and FDI had significantly led to higher emissions. Thereby it finds evidence in support of Pollution Haven Hypothesis.

Impact of Diesel Price Deregulation on asymmetricity of Exchange rate Pass-through to inflation

India is a net importer of energy, with High-Speed-Diesel playing a central role in India’s energy dynamics. Due to this, diesel prices were passed in a controlled manner and distributed asymmetrically between favourable and unfavourable shocks.