Micro-Economics Models of Imperfect and Incomplete Information

  1. Monopoly
    • Review
    • Price Discrimination
      • Third-degree discrimination, Schmalensee Model, First-degree discrimination, Second-degree discrimination
    • Other ways
      • Bundling or quantity discounts, Intertemporal - Lazear fashion goods model
  2. Oligopoly Theory, 
    • Static Oligopoly
      • Cournot, Bertrand, Product Differentiation, Advertising and pricing, Buying drilling rights
    • Multi-stage games
      • Stackelberg, War of attrition
    • Repeated games with a history
      • Bertrand pricing game, Folk theorems, Sequential bargaining
  3. Search and Adverse Selection
    • Fixed search, Sequential search, Diamonds model, Lemons problem
  4. Games with Incomplete Information and Auctions
    • Bayesian Nash equilibrium
      • Public goods provision
    • Auctions
      • Vickrey auction, First price sealed bid auction, Empirics of auctions, Market design, Winner's curse, Double auction
  5. Signalling, Moral Hazard and Insurance markets

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The notes are based on Lectures by Dr. Martin Pesendorfer, LSE

Some other sources to understand concepts:
1. For SPNE, Single deviation principle, Bargaining: Click here
