
Showing posts from May, 2020

NASA Probe-Passes

Parker Probe Mars 2020 Future Mission 2026

College Magazine Articles

Journalist - Chemical Department's Magazine  - Volume-1 , Volume-2  Director Editor - Entrepreneurship Development Cell, IIT Delhi magazine - Polaris

Some Simulation Works

Some broad simulation examples about topics that I have worked on... 1. The oil-water mixture enters a simple 2-phase flow separator. Examine separation achieved at the outlet ( 2. Euler-Euler granular kinetic theory model can be used to simulate bubbling fluidized bed dynamics. Performed simulations for 2D rectangular fluidized bed with given characteristics and carried out unsteady simulation when air enters from the bottom ( 3. 2D rectangular container filled with water. Air inlet at the bottom. Carried out unsteady VOF simulation to see the formation of the bubble and its progress upwards under difference fluid characteristics ( 4. Rectangular trickle bed with hydrophilic properties, VOF method (more on presentation on simulation of multiphase flows through porous media) 5. Rectangular trickle bed with hydrophobic properties, VOF method ( more on the presentation on simulation of multiphase flows throu

Rheology of Non-Newtonian Fluid flow through a pipe

Outline Shear-thinning, Shear thickening and Bingham fluids Viscosity of polymer suspensions Fluent Simulations Viscoelastic models Click here to read the report.

Stationarity, Spectral Analysis, Asymptotics Time-Series Metrics

Outline: Covariance Stationarity  Covariogram  Cases - AR, MA and ARMA  Spectral analysis  Wold representation theorem  CLT, LLN  Click here to access notes The notes are based on the lectures of Dr. Tatiana Komarova, LSE

Hacking using Heat

Security prodigies of Ben Gurion University are working to develop a technique with which they would be able to harvest data even from an air-gapped system. Air-gapped system (scratching head), What's that?   let's have a look. An air-gapped system is a security measure for a system in which the particular machine is totally isolated electromagnetically, electronically and physically i.e. this machine is not connected to any of the public networks or any other unsecured network in order to minimize the risk of breaching. The only way to interact or transfer data with this system is to use removable drives - flash drive, CDs.   Since these types of systems are considered to be more secure than others, so these are used to store some of the most sensitive and classified information in many fields which includes military, stock exchange, nuclear plants etc. Despite all these firewalls, researchers have now developed the way to even extract data from these sophisticated sys

Where do we find Entanglement in Nature

(I) Still existing as one of the biggest mysteries is that of quantum entanglement . Even the greatest minds of the century, like Albert Einstein also had to struggle to understand such a phenomenon and was compelled to say it as “spooky phenomenon at some distance”. Let’s look at an example to understand the entanglement principle. Suppose there are two people namely A and B. Each of them has an envelope containing either a green piece of paper or a red piece of paper. Therefore, one envelop contains a green piece of paper within and another contains a red piece of paper within, however, it is not known that which envelope has been given to whom. Now A and B, supposedly, travel to diametrically opposite ends of the universe and then A open up the envelope to find, say, a red piece of paper. This will make sure that B, present on the diametrically opposite end of the universe, has a green piece of paper in the envelope. So, as soon as the state of one object (a piece of paper)

Economics of Alternative Fuel - Biofuel

At the alarming rate with which our non-renewable resources are depleting, leaving behind the poisonous smoke, the need of the hour is to find sustainable sources of energy. I researched to understand and propose an economical way to produce one of the probable alternative fuels, biodiesel. Click here  to read the report

Perceptions and Illusions

Philosophical article on perceptions and illusions. Click here to read

My Codes - Python, C, Stata

My python codes: 1. Cipher's: Atbash Cipher The Atbash cipher is a substitution cipher with a specific key where the letters of the alphabet are reversed. I.e. all As are replaced with Zs, all Bs are replaced with Ys, and so on ( Autokey Cipher The Autokey cipher is closely related to the Vigenere cipher, it differs in how the key material is generated. The Autokey cipher uses a key word in addition to the plaintext as its key material, this makes it more secure than Vigenere ( Beaufort Cipher Very similar to the Vigenere cipher, but slightly different algorithm ( Caesar Cipher The caesar cipher (a.k.a the shift cipher, Caesar's Code or Caesar Shift) is one of the earliest known and simplest ciphers ( Columnar transposition Cipher Another simple transposition cipher in which letters are arranged in rows and the columns are transposed according to a key ( Four Square Cipher The Fo

South Asian Financial Crisis - South Korea

Southeast Asian experience of the 1970s and 1980s consisted of high growth based on export  competitiveness, low debt combined with low and stable inflation. Most of the East Asian  countries were running budget surpluses. Macroeconomic fundamentals seemed well and  nothing suggested risky policies. However, the rapid growth of the past decade began to unravel. Asian Financial Crisis, like  many others, began with a series of asset bubbles. Large capital inflows began starting in the  second half of the 1980s, mainly in terms of short-term portfolio investments or changes in  the net foreign asset position of financial institutions. There were sharp increases in asset  prices, especially stock prices. During 1992-94, the long-term flows were relatively stable, the  key was the short-term capital inflows. Institutions borrowed heavily in dollars, bubble  inflated. The bubble burst and the weaknesses in the financial system became obvious to  lenders and investors in the first half o

Forecasting Dividend Yield using Stock Indices

The work examines whether it is possible to accurately forecast dividend yield using aggregate stock returns in S&P500, AfricaTop40 and CAC40 indices using weekly data from 2007 week 1 to 2016 week 47  Click here  to find the preliminary report. I acknowledge my team-members Miriam Grehl, Melandri Rensburg, Alexander Frost and Hamza Waraich for their efforts.

Consultants to a Campaign Group - Applied Metrics

Problem Statement: A local council is planning to build a rubbish incinerator on a piece of the English countryside that is much loved and used by local residents. A neighbourhood action group that is campaigning against the planned incinerator finds some data on the selling prices of houses in the area. Some of the houses were sold in 2014, before the plans to build the incinerator were announced. Some of the houses were sold in 2018 after the plans had been announced. The group has given the data to us and asked us to look into whether the announcement caused the selling prices of houses near the planned incinerator site to fall. Click here to find the preliminary report. I acknowledge my team-members Miriam Grehl, Melandri Rensburg, Alexander Frost and Hamza Waraich for their efforts.

Intro to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for metricians

There's no clear demarcation between ML, AI, statistics and econometrics. But there are some techniques under ML/AI that are not present in econometrics and could be quite beneficial to adopt. There are three broad useful principles in the ML/AI way of thinking that would be valuable for econometricians: 1. In econometrics, we don't focus on predictions, but it is a very important part of ML/AI. The commonality between metrics and ML/AI people is that both the sets do agree that there might be tension between the prediction of outcomes and inference on parameters. So, if I focus on prediction, then I might not be able to uncover the underlying structure of the data. Similarly, if I am focusing on having better inference on parameters, I might not be able to have good predictions. Although it might seem counter-intuitive, but there are cases like these as well. 2. Overfitting needs to be kept in mind. Overfitting occurs when we have a better model fit in the sample than i

Instrumental Variables with applications to LATE and Dynamic Panel Models

Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager, LSE and based on studies from listed references: 1. Stock and Watson, Introduction to Econometrics 2. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross-section and Panel Data 3. Raghvir Sabharwal LSE page -  link here 4. Mod-U: Powerful concepts in Social Science channel - click here

Differences in Differences

Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager , LSE  and based on studies from listed references: 1. Stock and Watson, Introduction to Econometrics 2. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross-section and Panel Data

Panel Standard Errors and Clustering

Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager , LSE  and based on studies from listed references: 1. Stock and Watson, Introduction to Econometrics 2. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross-section and Panel Data 3. Raghvir Sabharwal LSE page -  link here


Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager , LSE  and based on studies from listed references: 1. Stock and Watson, Introduction to Econometrics 2. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross-section and Panel Data

Linear Regression with Panel Data: Fixed effects, First Differences

Click here to access notes. The notes are based on lectures by Dr. Rachael Meager , LSE  and based on studies from listed references: 1. Stock and Watson, Introduction to Econometrics 2. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross-section and Panel Data 3. Raghvir Sabharwal LSE page - link here

Nash eqm vs Subgame perfect eqm

This post is especially for the new-comers to the game theory. When I had started studying these topics, I remember being struggling to properly understand the differences and get an intuition of what's happening and I had seen my friends struggle as well. Therefore, having studied it a number of times and across years, now I feel to have developed some understanding, which I feel might be useful for you. There are a number of resources where you can find the technicalities, so here I would refrain from all that. I will directly jump into an example and use it to discuss the concepts. Let's start! Suppose, there are two players, me (player 1) and you (player 2). We play sequentially, with me playing first followed by you. I have two choices, play (U) or down (D). You have two choices play right (R) or left (L). The game is described in the tree format underneath. The respective payoffs are mentioned in the tree. (I hope that you know the minor technicalities like what pa