Developments in business climate since 2014 - Preliminary data visualization

The stock markets have reached record levels and do not show much lethargy yet. Some articles justified these new heights of the stock markets by investors estimation of forwarding PEG.

This, some claim, is also leading to the all-time high FDI levels. India's business climate is said to have changed drastically, with some recent estimates of markets hitting 200,000 over the next 10 years. To get a preliminary idea of the corporate environment, I started going through the WDI indicators. Actually, it is quite interesting to see that much has indeed been done to improve the business climate. The taxation system has been shaken up and I believe it's for the greater good.  Do have a look at these graphs to get an idea.

However, a genuine question might arise that if the graphs below seem to be improving the business climate, why is the economic situation not improving, actually deteriorated somewhat. In response to this, I would like to point out that it's not surprising to have negative short-run impacts of good policies because when frictions are reduced, stresses are released from the system, it may act in an unpredictable way before settling down to the long-run equilibrium. A simple example would be that of austerity programs. They are necessarily required to keep fiscal balance in check but austerities are never politically desirable and have negative short term implications on individuals. Moving ahead, the next question arises that how long it might take for things to turn better? Well, I think this depends on the efficiency of our transmission channels, which hasn't been in a good health historically. It might, therefore, be achieved in longer duration than what we may want to think. 
