
Showing posts from August, 2022

Electricity Industry Operations and Market

This is a very crisp, composed but very informative, designed and depicted course. Several intricacies of the electricity industry and economics have accurately and clearly corresponded. Another great course by Duke University on Coursera! Click here to read notes. I.  Introduction     A . Electric Industry Technology           - Overview          - What electricity is          - Charge, Current, Voltage and Resistance          - Electric Power, Energy and Ohms law          - A circuit model of the electric system     B.  Electricity Generation          - Electromagnestism          - Power plants          - Capacity factor     C. Transmission and Distribution          - How a transformer works          - Transmitting and distributing electricity          - Power line loss     D. Load          - Electric system basics in buildings          - Lamp to plant          - Daily and seasonal variations in electric load II. Markets     A. Electric System Management          - Managing supply t

Trickster Banks ! - True Incidence

In mid 2022s, the central banks around the world started raising rates in order to combat inflation, including the RBI. What I witnessed myself is that when the rates were revised, banks like SBI raised the rates (i.e., EMIs) even on their ongoing fixed-rate loans. Weird! Upon enquiring the bank, their response was the upward revision in MCLRs, leading to higher rates. Even, going into the contract note, the rates were mentioned in terms of MCLR. This, at first glance, gives an impression of validating the bank's response. However, further scrutiny of the note revealed that it was just a way the contract had been written that a false impression was projected. In reality, the rates on fixed-rate loans should have been fixed. Unlawfully, the banks had started charging higher EMIs and, the innocent citizens with low financial literacy fell into their trap. It's not the fault of customers that they are financially less literate but it's the banks who are to blame for exploiting