
Showing posts from July, 2022

Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis

This course offered by Macquire University on Coursera teaches the basics of excel for data analysis. It discusses data preparations and cleaning using various ways. It helps us form strong fundamentals that are built upon in further courses of the specialization. Click here to read. I.  Introduction     - Functions for combining text values     - Functions to split text data     - Combining text functions     - Cleaning data and changing case     - Removing and replacing text characters II. Working with numbers and dates     - Converting data with value and text     - Understanding dates and basic date functions     - Calculations with dates and using days, network days and workday     - More sophisticated date calculations with EOMonth and EDate III. Defined names for working more effectively with data     - Cell referencing and naming     - Defined names and create from selection     - Managing names     - Calculations with named ranges     - Automating data validation with named r

Oil and Gas Industry Operations and Market

This is a very crisp, composed but very informative, designed and depicted course. Several intricacies of the oil and gas industry and economics have been accurately and clearly corresponded. Another great course by Duke University on Coursera! Click here to read the notes. Click here to read my final peer-graded assignment. I.  Introduction     A . Exploration          - Oil and gas sources          - Hydrocarbon system          - What makes a good reservoir rock          - Exploration tools and methods          - Acquiring mineral rights          - The drilling process     B.  Production          - Prospects to play          - Production over time          - Enhanced oil and gas recovery     C. Process and refining          - Processing Natural Gas          - Crude Oil Distillation          - Additional refining process     D. Transport          - Oil Midstream          - Natural Gas Midstream          - Liquefied Natural Gas II. Oil and Gas Markets     A. Cost of Oil and Gas