
Showing posts from July, 2021

Practical aspects of growth accounting and the issue of double deflation

Here the notes discuss how TFP calculations are actually done in practicality. It also discusses sectoral output functions and uses them to derive aggregated GDP for the economy, introducing the idea of Domar weights on the go.

Economic Growth Calculations - National Accounts vs PWT

Notes based on the lecture by Prof. Alwyn Young discusses the problems of growth accounting. It describes the growth calculation using the National Accounts, its shortcomings and the potential solution - the chained index. Additionally, the lecture also discusses the growth calculation method adopted by PWT and its potential issues.

Behind the Penn World Table's

Notes based on the lecture by Prof. Alwyn Young discusses the math described in the paper on PWT construction (Feenstra, Inklaar and Timmer). We also discuss the older and the newer PWT's, their differences and issues.

Growth Accounting and TFP

Notes discuss the basics of TFP. Referenced to Prof. Alwyn Young. Click here  to read my notes.

Solow's model and the golden rule

Notes based on the lecture by Prof. Alwyn Young discuss the basics of production functions, their connection with Solow models and the golden rule.

Price Indices and Gerschenkron effects

Notes based on the lecture by Prof. Alwyn Young discuss prices and quantity indices - Laspeyres and Paasche and analyzes their behaviours. It does it for both consumption and production Gerschenkron. 

Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory

In 1905, while only twenty-six years old, Albert Einstein published "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" and effectively extended classical laws of relativity to all laws of physics, even electrodynamics.

Least Action Principle and Energy Hamiltonian

The least action principle is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to determine the trajectories taken up by the particle. It simply states that out of the possible trajectories, the particle will take the one for which the action required is the least.