
Showing posts from April, 2021

History of the World - Timelines (work in progress)

I have been working for almost 6 months on this self-curiosity drive of history. Based on content from Philip's atlas of world history, I am making timelines that I believe would aid us in a better understanding of history across the world. And why it's important? I think the best answer is John Dalberg Acton's quote "History is not a burden for memory but an illumination of the soul" Click here to read 

National Income Accounting

National Income Accounting is a way to measure the economic activity of a nation. However, it is quite a bit complex in nature as the data required to measure different components are not directly available. The proxies used, therefore, needs to be understood properly in order to understand the pros and con of its numbers. In addition, in order to understand the working of the macroeconomy, it becomes important to understand the way to read this account and by what its term means. With this in mind, here I provide a brief of a very interesting book titled National Income Visualized by Arthur O. Dahlberg, Columbia University Press, 1956. The simplistic language it uses along with the diagram really captivated me to the content and was an invaluable addition to the curious portion of my mind. Click here to read

Hinting towards "missing pieces" of physics - Muon G-2 experiment

The Standard model is like the periodic table of physics which explains nearly everything in our universe. Despite being extremely successful, it also suffers caveats. For example, it doesn’t explain gravity. It doesn’t explain dark matter or dark energy. It doesn’t explain the absence of anti-matter from our everyday world and more such gaps exist in this model. The muon g-2 experiments are trying to tug these loose threads of the standard model in order to gain a deeper understanding of physics beyond which lies beyond the standard model. Click here to read the entire article.