
Showing posts from November, 2020

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Evolution of the Universe

Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations

Soon after the big bang, followed by inflationary epoch, the universe was in a hot plasmonic state containing a mixture of radiation and baryons. The universe being in this fluid state made it possible for the pressure waves to travel. So, the universe had baryons and environment to support acoustic oscillations.


Occasional paintings - done by water colours

Dark Matter

What is Dark matter and Why need it?

Policy Space and Modern Trade Agreements

In the paper, the author's then went ahead to examine the extent to which various regimes constraint policy space for member nations. They studied four US agreements 

Major Revolutions

Revolution is a drastic change of some sort within a short span of time. In Latin, it means ‘ a turn-around’.

Modern Trade Agreements: its implications for long-run development policy

Development is a long-run process of transforming the economy from concentrated primary product-based economy to diversified set of assets based on knowledge.