
Showing posts from July, 2020

Evolution of Top and Bottom CO2 emitters 1961-2010

Generally, some of the developed countries (mainly the US) claim that it is the developing world responsible for the current state of emissions and they should be the one held responsible and not the developed countries.

Inflation Expectations went right!

Interestingly in my MSc. essay, I had observed that the direct impact of oil prices are negative on CPI but positive on WPI.

Modelling COVID Cases and Fatalities using Engineering Concepts

I have been asked several times if my chemical engineering study was useful at all in economies. As I always used to answer, the concepts are omnipresent.

Impact of COVID in developing Asian economies

- Summarised from Asian Development Bank's authors A. Abiad, M. Arao, E. Lavina, R. Platitas, J. Pagaduan, C. Jabagat's chapter in  COVID in developing economies

Impact of COVID in Middle-East and North Africa

- Summarised from World Bank's authors Rabah Arezki, Rachel Yuting Fan and Ha Nguyen's chapter in  COVID in developing economies

Impact of COVID in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Summarised from World Bank's authors Calvin Z. Djiofack, Hasan Dudu and Albert G. Zeufack's chapter in COVID in developing economies

Where is the Economic Risk of COVID shock highest: developing countries

- Summarised from Ilan Noy,  Nguyen Doan, Benno Ferrarini and Donghyun Park's article in COVID-19 in developing countries